MNK & BME Joint Venture Company (also known as KMB), is a joint venture that combines the local expertise of Multi Nitrotama Kimia (MNK) with the global innovation of BME Indonesia.
The collaboration leverages BME’s cutting-edge technology and innovative products with MNK’s extensive local networks, experience, and resources. This enables us to deliver unparalleled blasting services and technical support, driving efficiency and safety in mining projects across Indonesia.
Together, we provide a unique and comprehensive suite of products and services tailored for both surface and underground mining operations.
Operating across more than 10 projects throughout Indonesia, KMB is committed to delivering you superior blasting solutions.
Our commitment to superior blasting solutions improves the efficiency and safety of your mining endeavours.
Complete licenses.
Indonesian market leader.
Established logistics network in Indonesia.
Strong customer base.
Comprehensive local knowledge.
Domestic production capabilities.
Experienced and loyal employees.
MNK & BME Joint Venture Company
Global footprint – physical presence in 25 countries.
40 years in operation.
Workforce of 4000 employees.
Unique explosives formulation.
Advanced research and development.
Comprehensive solutions for Underground and Surface Mines, including:
MNK ensures supply security across Indonesia. We have all the necessary licenses, as well as local manufacturing plants. We have a comprehensive customer distribution network, and our plants adhere to excellent safety and quality management systems.
Ammonium Nitrate Plant.
Established in 1990 and upgraded in February 2012, increasing supply capability to 150,000 MT per annum (<30% of Indonesia’s demand). Our Ammonium Nitrate plant guarantees a reliable supply to meet the local market’s needs. The plant is situated in Cikampek, West Java, a 3-hour drive away from the Jakarta TJ.Priok Port.
Non-Electric Detonator Assembly Centre.
Located in Handil, East Kalimantan, this facility assembles non-electric detonators, reducing Indonesia’s reliance on imported explosive accessories. The Centre produces up to 6.5 million pieces per annum. Built under International Standards for explosive warehouses, it is the biggest single magazine under one roof in Indonesia.
Operating across more than 10 projects throughout Indonesia, KMB is committed to delivering superior blasting solutions.
Our comprehensive offering provides you with ongoing support that creates value across the blasting cycle.
Our solutions include, but are not limited to:
a. Down the Hole (DTH)
Utilise Mobile Manufacturing Units (MMUs) to deliver high-quality reliable bulk explosives to blast holes.
b. Prime, Load, Tie, Shoot (PTLS)
Comprehensive prime, load, tie-up, and shoot solutions, for customers who require KMB’s team to perform a full blasting service. We provide the skills and resources to achieve the best blasting results.
c. Rock on Ground (ROG)
In this comprehensive blasting service, KMB takes full responsibility, from blast design to analysing fragmented rock (excluding drilling). This allows you to completely outsource this function. Value is measured by fragmentation quality and volume of broken rock.
d. Value-Added Project Optimization
For specialized projects, KMB can help you incorporate techniques to improve project efficiency.
e. Reactive Ground Management
Addressing and mitigating reactive ground conditions.
f. Blasting Consultancy
We offer technical services and solutions consultations with our experienced explosives engineering specialists.
a. Velocity of Detonation (VOD) Measurement
Accurate detonation velocity analysis.
b. Vibration and Air Blast Monitoring
Ensure compliance and safety through meticulous monitoring.
c. Drone Data Capturing
Pre- and post-drill blast hole analysis and 3D face profiling.
a. Vibration Analysis
Utilise vibration data for monitoring and detecting issues.
b. Signature Hole Analysis
Detailed analysis for optimized blasting performance.
c. Fragmentation Analysis
Evaluate your blast outcomes to improve your future operations.
What makes our Emulsions better?
We use dual salt technology to create powerful emulsions that improve the efficiency, cost-effectiveness and performance of your blasting operations.
Dual salt emulsions, also known as ‘cold emulsion’, were first introduced by BME in South Africa in 1984. BME is renowned for its groundbreaking innovation in dual salt technology.
Benefits of Dual Salt Emulsions:
We use dual salt emulsion technology to avoid relying only on Ammonium Nitrate or Ammonia for producing our emulsions. This protects you from unpredictable price fluctuations and costly supply shortages.
We utilise Calcium Nitrate (CN) fertilizer in our emulsions for the following benefits:
Fleet Size:
19 Units.
Product delivered into blast hole:
70% Emulsion and 30% AN Prill where the emulsion used can be either single salt or dual salt.
Fleet Size:
11 Units.
Product delivered into blast hole:
94.5% AN and 5.5% Fuel Oil.
Pabrik Pembuatan Emulsion
Fleet Size: 9 Units.
Product manufactured: Emulsion Single salt and dual salt emulsion, equipped with mixing technology using pure diesel and used oil.
KMB is helping customers to achieve better blasting in the following areas across Indonesia:
ABP (ABPR) Alamia Bara Pramata
PPA-BIB (PPAB) Putra Perkasa Abadi – Borneo Indo Bara
ADARO (ADRO) Adaro Indonesia
GAM (GAMR) Ganda Alam Makmur
HRS-BRE (HRSB) Hasnur Riung Sinergi – Bhumi Rantau Energi
HRS-EBL (HRSE) Hasnur Riung Sinergi – Energi Batubara Lestari
PAMA-KIDE (PKJA) PAMA – Kideco Jaya Agung
PAMA-ASMI (PABB) PAMA – Asmin Bara Bronang
PAMA-SMM (PSMM) PAMA – Suprabari Mapanindo Mineral
PAMA-BRCB(PBRB) PAMA – Berau Coal site Binungan
RML-EBH (REBH) Riung Mitra Lestari – Energi Batu Hitam
RML-MUTU (RMTU) Riung Mitra Lestari – Multi Tambangjaya Utama
Marunda Graha Mineral
AMM-PIK (AMMP) Antareja Mahada Makmur – Perkasa Inakakerta
KMB Head Office
Stay up to date with our latest news:
Blasting is the single most critical operation affecting the entire mining or quarrying cycle. The current pain points in blasting stem from several key elements, including safety, community relations, legislation and production requirements. In a one-on-one with Quarrying Africa, Hennie du Preez, Manager for AXXIS support at BME, discusses how electronic initiation systems can address these challenges and optimise the whole mining process.
BME, a leader in the explosives and blasting solutions industry, has expanded its AXXIS electronic detonation product line with the launch of the AXXIS Centralised Electronic Blasting System (CEBS).
BME, a worldwide leader in blasting and explosives, is strengthening its presence in Australia with a strategic plan to expand local manufacturing. This move aligns with BME’s overall growth strategy to leverage Australia’s position as a major mining nation.
Head Office
Equity Tower 41st Floor, Suite E, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD), Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53 Lot 9, Jakarta 12190.
Telephone Help
(+62-21) 2787 1846